City of Naples Reclaimed Water Interconnect

This project involved the installation of 2,431 LF of 20” HDPE pipe by Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD).

City of Naples
Project Type
Trenchless Construction
Naples, FL
Year Completed

Project Overview

This project involved the installation of 2,431 LF of 20” HDPE pipe by Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD). Along with the drills, the job included the installation of a meter and backflow assembly and electrical work for a motor-operated valve. This project was located in an environmentally sensitive area within a residential neighborhood, and the drills were completed alongside a preserve area. Bad soil conditions made steering the drill difficult - while the drill process was very slow going, EV completed the project on time and within budget.

Individual Drill Lengths

  • 905LF of 20” HDPE

  • 1,108LF of 20” HDPE

  • 418LF of 20” HDPE

This project was located in an environmentally sensitive area within a residential neighborhood, and the drills were completed alongside a preserve area.

EarthView exercised extreme diligence and care to complete this project on-time and on budget without affecting the local, sensitive environment.

Problems EV solved

Trenchless drilling

As a national leader in the trenchless drilling industry, Earth View tailored our approach to complete the project effectively and efficiently.

Environmental sensitivity

Earth View used extreme diligence to ensure the nearby water habitats were not disturbed by construction.